
Health Literacy Europe
The network Health Literacy Europe was launched in 2010 when Kristine Sørensen was coordinator of the European Health Literacy project. The aim is to advance European health literacy through knowledge sharing, events, capacity building and advocacy.

Dutch Health Literacy Alliance
As a founding member of the Dutch Health Literacy Alliance Kristine Sørensen is active in the Dutch research community on health literacy.
"Due to rapid developments and vast amount of information; the role of health professionals as knowledge brokers are as equally important as boosting the potential of health literacy embedded in populations"
Kristine Sørensen, 2013

Nordic Health Literacy Network
Kristine Sørensen is the initiator of the the Nordic Health Literacy Network, which aims to mobilise knowledge sharing and actions on health literacy in the Nordic countries.

The Health Literacy Coalition in Brussels
The Coalition on Health Literacy is an alliance of organistions, businesses and academic institutions that has alligned to promote health literacy on the EU agenda. Together the partners organise events and distribute policy briefs with the aim of disseminating knowledge on health literacy in the EU community in Brussels.

The IUHPE Working Group on Health Literacy
The Working Group on Health Literacy was launched at the IUHPE World Conference in Geneva 2010 with Kristine Sørensen as one of the founding members. The aim is to initiate and support action, policy and research on health literacy, acknowledging the contribution of health literacy to reducing disparities in the promotion of health and wellbeing, and sustainable development, and to the pursuit of equity within and between countries, in the global context.

International Health Literacy Assocation
The International Health Literacy Association was launched in 2016 with Kristine Sørensen as one of the founders. The aim is to advocate for health literacy worldwide.